Monday 18 August 2008


I am annoyed.... my ex refuses to pay the bill he ran up.... over £1200... and that's not counting this month's bill.... I know, I know I shouldn't have let him keep the phone but he was using it to keep in touch with his son.... turns out he was keeping in touch with his 16yr old girlfriend! Anyway, even though I've had my solicitor write them a letter asking them to defer collection of payment, they have blocked outgoing calls/texts on my phone.... and said I should be paying them back £300 a month... which I don't have... so now I don't have my mobile and am REALLY annoyed that I am being punished for my ex being a little git. Argh!

Friday 15 August 2008

Once you pop, you can't stop...

Good lord this blogging business is addictive.... anyway I just finished reading The Bad Mother's Handbook which is quite a good book.... I had previously read Kate Long's other book Swallowing Grandma. I would suggest this book to teens, pregnant teens, adoptee's, single mums, mad grannys.... anyone really! It's a great black comedy.... here's a link to the TV version's wiki :

A Few Photos I Took Of My Son And Tat

Here are a few pictures I took of my gorgeous son with my precious camera.... I love photos! Oh and one of my kitty Tat.... she's so pwetty!
Why on earth are olympic women all lacking in the boobs department? I swear, they all look like beanpoles..... big, tall, skinny beanpoles that run everywhere instead of getting a bus like us normal people! I'm not bitter about being an ickle, round woman... oh no, I promise you lol.... I like my boobles, even though they weight a ton and make me walk like quasimodo sometimes....

IKEA name generator....

I stole this off a blog I'm subscribed to..... apparently my Ikea name is:

SFRISVTINN ...... hmmmm...... come on folks, whut's YOUR Ikea name?

Right Let's Get On With This Blogging Business...

Okay.... I warned you.... white tigers....

I was reading a few websites about tigers and apparently the white tiger.... as craved for on series such as 'Lion Man' is not infact a sub-species of tiger! I've been duped!

They only exist due to mutated genes and selective breeding (a.k.a. in-breeding)!

Poor Kenny the tiger, who is pictured, is a result of this familial breeding resulting in deformities. is a fab website which gives you all the info on this and even has links to help you save the tigers....

An interesting article in the news today highlighted that healthy volunteers who drank Red Bull, showed the same symptoms as a patient with cardiovascular disease ....for an hour after! Scary! And to think that I drink 4 tins a day sometimes, not to mention the amount of Diet Coke I drink ( at least 2 litres )! My poor veins!
A little about my life now.... a joyfully complicated life it is too! I have bi-polar disorder.... which is controlled by medication, and fibromyalgia..... which is blimmin' sore!
I have a lovely son, who is at his Gran's house for the week, who is crazy and who has epilepsy.
I have a rescue Westie called Odin who is 6.5yrs old and Tat, a tuxedo cat, who is 3.... I hand-raised her from 2weeks old. Get used to the names, you'll be hearing about them regularly from now on!
Anyway, current affairs.... I have a horrible ex, which I will elaborate on after the legal stuff is over, needless to say he is 33yrs old and goes with a 16yr old.... My oven broke and I'm having to ask the Saint Vincent De Paul if they can get me one.... I hope they can 'cos I am well and truely SKINT.... as are most people these days.... aren't gas and electric a blimmin' fortune these days?!?!?
I am a member of the free dating site but am not not getting much joy yet, meeting mostly friends but nobody eligable, or nobody willing to take me lol!
I love to write poetry, and will probably be adding some to this blog as I go along. My old poetry site is
Oh look.... team GB have just won another Gold Medal at the Bejing olympics!

Welcome Me!

Hello there everyone.... I hope there is an everyone reading this.... anyway.... welcome to my blog.... This little blog is about whatever I find in the whole wide world that I deem interesting.... which can mean ANYTHING. I might be writing about George Bush one post and White Tigers the next... and I will be mixing in a little of my life too, just to liven things up!

I am a VERY opinionated woman, but am also VERY interested in the opinions of other people.... so do comment please!